Health Tips Facts - Traumatic Brain Injury Definition Symptoms Causes

The Traumatic Brain Injury shortly known as TBI, referred to as intracranial injury, occurs when an accident results in injury to the brain. Traumatic brain injuries are one of the leading causes of death and injury worldwide. It will damage our brain, and our life will be changed forever.

Here it’s some Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms described below,

Like, Dizziness; Headache; Vomiting; Nausea; Poor motor skills; Difficulty balancing;"dazed" feeling ; Mood / personality changes ; Severe headache that will not go away ; Anisocoria ; Seizures ; An inability to be wake up or be woken; Slurred speech; Numbness; Loss of coordination; Weaknesses in limbs

Main Cause for Traumatic brain is an accident where the head is either struck directly or where the head strikes another object but others responsible Causes for this like,

Violence; Transportation accidents; Construction; Sports; Slips & falls; Motor vehicle accidents; Blunt force trauma.

In treatments of TBI, Ayurvedic herbal therapy can also play valuable role.


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