3 Tips to Help Fight Aging

Although the aging process is inevitable, we are always still trying to find a way to slow it down. First we must be completely aware that it will happen, whether we like it or not, and simply accept it. Once that step is determined, then you can apply the following 3 tips.

1. Proper Nutrition – this is absolutely essential when it comes to prolonging our life. The many benefits of healthy eating include prevention of age-associated decline and illnesses. If you consider what overeating leads to – obesity, poor health and numerous diseases, then you understand that proper nutrition is important. Simply put, eat right and not only live longer but live a better lifestyle.
2. Keep Moving – this one is easy and one that will not only keep you healthy but help you age gracefully. Physical activities strengthen your muscles, your joints and your heart. These are the 3 main body components that decline with age. So instead of searching for the closest parking spot, park farther and walk, climb the stairs instead of the elevator and enjoy some gardening, like pulling some weeds. Get involved in physical activities with your children; your body will thank you now and in the years to come.
3. Think – Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline are all signs of aging that affect many people. Fortunately there are activities that can help with mental stimulation such as crossword puzzles, board games and more. Keeping the mind active and sharp will help you stay sharp in the golden years. Don’t vegetate, get involved in discussions, stimulate your mind by reading and challenging your mind. Your healthy mind and brain is your most valuable asset.


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