Saturday, October 10, 2009

Measles Virus Vaccine Symptoms,Causes,Home Natural Tretment Remedies

What is Measles? / Measles Definition:-

It is an acute, contagious viral disease, usually occurring in childhood and characterized by eruption of red spots on the skin, fever, and catarrhal symptoms.Measles can affect children as well as adults, but they are most commonly known for occurring in the childhood.

Measles Types:-

There are two main types of this disease. One is the red measles and the other German measles. The Red measles are more severe as compared to German measles. However, both have their own side effects.

Measles Symptoms Signs:-

Runny nose, Sneezing, Red eyes and spots in mouth.

Red spots inside cheeks

Koplik spots - small spots in the mouth.

Mouth spots with white center and red ring.

Skin rash, light sensitivity, coughing, possibly with a barking cough.

Sore throat - the lymph nodes in the throat may swell.

At first the spots are very small - a couple of millimeters - but they double in size quickly and begin to join together.

The temperature, which may run as high as 40ÂșC, may stay that high for a couple of days. Then it disappears together with the rash, which may leave some brown spots.

Measles Causes Risk Factors:-

Measles is caused by the measles virus like Paramyxovirus. Mostly seen in the winter and spring. The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract or the conjunctiva. Measles is endemic throughout the world.

Personal contact is the main cause of measles because it is a contagious disease.

Droplets from coughs and sneezes.

Malnutrition,Vitamin A deficiency will lead to the condition of measles.

Measles Home Natural Treatments Remedies Cure:-

garlic oil to any infected areas to prevent infection.

Drink saffron and snake root tea to aid the healing process.

lobelia and yarrow for the fastest recovery from measles.

Fresh Orange juice is very beneficial for the measles treatment.

Barley water should be taken daily to cure from measles.

Lemonade should be taken often.

Chamomile will not only helps reduce a fever but stimulates the immune system too. hild hydrated with fluids and give a soothing oatmeal baths to relieve itching.

Ginger Tea can be effective against a fever. It is most helpful for the child who tends to feel cold, especially in the hands and feet.

Shiitake Mushrooms has immure-stimulating properties. They may be eaten fresh, or taken in capsule form.

Swine H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Update Health News Article

Distribution Of Swine Flu Vaccine Will Begin in Oct.

Vaccine for the H1N1 influenza pandemic will be distributed on a three-day turnaround time from four regional warehouses around the country next month. The vaccine deliveries, expected to equal 20 million doses a week by the end of October, will be distributed among 90,000 immunization "providers," including health departments, hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices and pharmacies.

Those were among the details unveiled Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the federal government's increasingly complex response to the pandemic of H1N1 influenza, also known as swine flu.

"This is a huge logistical process. There's not [going to be] a sudden appearance of vaccine in 90,000 refrigerators around the country," said Jay Butler, an epidemiologist who leads the CDC's task force on the vaccine.

About 3.4 million doses of nasal-spray flu vaccine -- which can be used only by people age 2 to 49 -- are expected to be available the first week of October. The form of the vaccine that can be injected, which will form the vast bulk of the 195 million doses the government has ordered, won't be available until later in October when many experts think the flu outbreak will be in full swing.

All of the H1N1 vaccine will be bought by the federal government. It will be divided among states and territories on the basis of population. Providers, including private companies such as pharmacies, will get it for free. They won't be permitted to charge people or health insurers for it, but they can charge an "administration fee" for giving the shots or sprays. In some settings, such as public health clinics, people will get the shots free.

As the vaccine arrives at the four distribution centers -- their location for the moment is secret -- the CDC will tell each state what its allocation will be. States will put in orders based on the need in their jurisdictions and the number of doses that hospitals, clinics and other providers say they can use in the immediate future.

Vaccine will then be sent directly to providers; the CDC expects to have 90,000 names and addresses on file. Orders will be filled in three business days and the vaccine shipped overnight, Butler told reporters in a teleconference Friday.

Government planners expect demand for vaccine will outstrip supply in the first weeks after it becomes available. During that time, states will have to decide which hospitals, clinics and offices are most apt to reach the priority populations and thus should get vaccine first.

The CDC won't police those decisions and expects that very quickly there will be enough vaccine to fill essentially all orders from states.

Weight Loss Endoscopic Surgery Techniques Tips Facts Health Article

Weight Loss Surgery Using Endoscopic Techniques for Lower Risk, Quicker Recovery.

Weight loss surgery patients may enjoy quicker recovery, and less risk, as more doctors utilize endoscopic techniques.

The use of endoscopic techniques is on the rise across several surgical specialties, including bariatric surgery, according to a new report.

Data compiled by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. indicates that better technology is leading many healthcare organizations to use endoscopic surgery.

The technique involves placing a small camera tube into the patient’s body through very small incisions, or by way of a natural orifice, like the mouth. The surgeon is able to look around inside, and surgery time is often shorter than with a traditional procedure. Endoscopic surgery also can be less risky and shorten the patient’s recovery time.

Endoscopic systems are frequently used for cancer treatments, as well as arthroscopy and even some cosmetic surgeries. But now doctors are testing various endoscopic bariatric procedures, including the “Transoral gastroplasty” – or TOGa – an experimental procedure that uses a surgical insert called the TOGa device.

The TOGa combines a surgical stapler with a suction unit and tissue-spreading retractor all in an instrument small enough to be inserted into the patient’s stomach via the mouth and esophagus. This eliminates the need to cut open the abdomen.

Health Facts - Pneumothorax Collapsed Lung Definition Symptoms Causes Treatments

A pneumothorax is also known as a collapsed lung. It is accumulation of air inside the pleural cavity.

Pneumothorax collapsed lung Symptoms Signs:-

Breathlessness and Chest Pain are two major symptoms of a pneumothorax. The severity of the symptoms depends on the size of the damaged area and on your general health. Feeling of tightness across your chest. Little pain and little difficulty in breathing at young aged.

Have chronic bronchitis, a small pneumothorax can be ex

tremely painful and cause extreme difficulty in breathing in Middle aged.

Tension pneumothorax produces the most severe respiratory symptoms; a spontaneous pneumothorax that releases only a small amount of air into the lung membrane may cause no symptoms.

In moderate to severe pneumothorax, profound respiratory distress may develop, with signs of tension pneumothorax: weak and rapid pulse, pallor, neck vein distention, anxiety.

Pneumothorax collapsed lung causes Risk Factors:-

Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in 20 to 40 aged, caused by air leakage from ruptured blebs (blister like accumulations of fluid) that are present at birth, may

be caused by an emphysematous bleb that ruptures during exercise or coughing or from tuberculosis or cancer, may also collapse spontaneously in interstitial lung disease.

Due to Chest Surgery, Traumatic pneumothorax occurred; a penetrating chest injury, such as a gunshot or knife wound; or the removal and analysis of lung tissue.

Pneumothorax collapsed lung Treatments Cure Care:-

Any treatment for this condition is totally depends on the size of the pneumothorax and the condition of your lungs.

The treatment consists of bed rest; careful monitoring of blood pressure, pulse rate, and respirations; oxygen administration; and possibly, removal of air with a needle. If more than 30% of the lung has collapsed, a chest

tube may be inserted to restore pressure.

Recurring spontaneous pneumothorax requires surgery. Traumatic and tension pneumothorax require chest tube drainage; traumatic pneumothorax m

ay also require surgery.

Health Tips Facts - Traumatic Brain Injury Definition Symptoms Causes

The Traumatic Brain Injury shortly known as TBI, referred to as intracranial injury, occurs when an accident results in injury to the brain. Traumatic brain injuries are one of the leading causes of death and injury worldwide. It will damage our brain, and our life will be changed forever.

Here it’s some Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms described below,

Like, Dizziness; Headache; Vomiting; Nausea; Poor motor skills; Difficulty balancing;"dazed" feeling ; Mood / personality changes ; Severe headache that will not go away ; Anisocoria ; Seizures ; An inability to be wake up or be woken; Slurred speech; Numbness; Loss of coordination; Weaknesses in limbs

Main Cause for Traumatic brain is an accident where the head is either struck directly or where the head strikes another object but others responsible Causes for this like,

Violence; Transportation accidents; Construction; Sports; Slips & falls; Motor vehicle accidents; Blunt force trauma.

In treatments of TBI, Ayurvedic herbal therapy can also play valuable role.

Healthy Skin Tips Facts – Blushing Definition Cures Treatment

What is blushing

Blushing is a natural, involuntary reaction of the body
in situations of anxiety or embarrassment, and it's often accompanied by sweating, mild to severe discomfort, and/or an inability to keep eye contact. Everyone blushes from time to time, but for some people it occurs too often, and becomes a major source of discomfort.

Blushing Facial Treatments Therapy:-

There are three types of Blushing Treatments,

Surgical facial blushing Treatments; Drug Treatments; Psychological Treatment

(1) Surgical facial blushing Treatments:-

ETS was one of the expected treatments for blushing, was responsible for diminished facial blushing with patients who applied it for palmar hyperhidrosis t
reatments. It isn't such a beneficial alternative for this particular condition. The compensatory sweat levels it acquires and the lot of fallouts are strong points against using ETS for facial blushing treatments.

(2) Drug treatments:-

Robinol, Ditropan and Propanthelin together with a series of anticholinergic drugs are good choices for facial redness and excessive blushing. This offer a more conservative approach. It can provide patients with good results. Some choose to combine the blushing treatment with drugs like Xanax. Other treatment methods may include bio feedback, although this has not been proven to be very effective. Anxiety medications, Beta-blockers and Clonidine are also used in facial blushing treatments.

Persistent facial blushing is such a painful cycle as you can blush just at the thought of the possibility and when you do blush you will bluish even more as soon as you know others notice it. It has been proven over and over that problem blushing is a mental issue; because it is triggered internally, most if not all external treatments don't work in the long term and simply delay and hide the real cause.