Friday, August 19, 2011

Vibrating Exercise Machine- Know How It Works, How To Buy and How To Use?

We might think the vibrating technology as one the recent innovations of our people. But the concept of vibrating exercise machine was not under wraps with our ancient Greeks. Greeks used it to fasten the healing process for injuries. This was a concept that Vladimir Nazarov, a Russian scientist used. The process was refered as "biochemical stimulation" by him. It is a technology that has paced so fast.

To have an evidence on the effectiveness in bringing health and well-being, it can be seen from the increasing number of athletes and celebrities who are using this machine.

When vibrating exercise machine is becoming part of our having a healthy lifestyle, it is for better to how how it should be bought and used. But before it

How It Works?

The machine consists of a platform. This could be a standing or sitting one that vibrates as you exercise. It purportedly helps to burn additional calories. This leads to the increase of muscle tone.

Whenever we are working on the machine, our muscles naturally react to the vibrations. The reaction is to tense up a little bit to slightly to stabilize the body. Following are the types of vibrating equipment and the vibrations you experience with them:-

Oscillating-One can have natural type of vibration(side-by-side)

Tri-planer- To have vertical and horizontal vibrations,it is the best choice. Here the platform remains at a particular angle.

Horizontal- To have horizontal vibrations only. This is the least expensive of all.

The vibrating exercise machine has features like digital screen, a pad and a hand-held on-and-off switch.

What to know before you shop?

Know the type of vibration mechanism, the equipment utilizes for its functioning.

Know the specifications of the machine.

Test the equipment before you buy.

Try out few exercises on the machine. This is to know whether machine can give you the balance you require.

Listen carefully to the noise generated by the machine.

Know about the life of the motor that will be supporting the machine.

And Finally How to use it?

Check the machine for every contraindications.

Adjust the timings as per your wish along with amplitude(depth of the plate) and frequency(number of vibrations per second).

Know your figure position on the machine. Have the right alignment for yourself.

Work on your upper, core and lower body parts. You can also do for other body-parts by adjusting the straps.

Always follow the recommended usage as you can have the complain of a low back pain, blurred vision and cartilage damage.

Vibration Machine: Vibrate your fat away forever

With the emergence of latest techniques in the fitness industry, it has now become possible for everyone to loose the weight in less time and with fewer efforts. Vibration machine which is one of the most effective weight loss source take just 10-15 minutes a day from your busy schedule. Vibration machine is popularly known as home based equipment. You can exercise with all the comforts and needs at your home only. You need not to go for any weight loss programs or gym with the restricted time period. Whenever you are getting the time, you can have the advantage of vibration machine. This is one of the reasons that it is well appreciated and used by well-known sports teams, individuals, entertainers, medical / rehabilitation / therapeutic centers, universities, hotel spas & fitness facilities.

A vibration plate machine basically consists of a vibrating platform over which a person performs static or dynamic movements such as standing, sitting, kneeling or other exercises. Besides this various exercises such as crunches, lunges, squats, push-ups can be done on this machine. In fact one can also passively sit on the machine or rest your feet over it in a comfortable mode.

Exercising on the vibration machine burns up a large amount of calories in a very short period of time and following are some of the important fat burning functions performed by the machine:

Supports lean muscle mass- The rapid vibrations help to maintain and build lean muscle mass. Boosting lean muscle mass means your body burns fat throughout the entire day and not just during the workout. The more fat you burn, the higher the potential is for dramatic weight loss.

Boosts Human Growth Hormone- It boosts Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by 361%. HGH is a hormone that decreases as we get older. This decrease causes weakening of muscles and increased weight gain. Whole Body Vibration increases your HGH and helps to create a more toned, muscular, and lean body, along with the other benefits of HGH.

Lowers stress hormone- Cortisol (belly fat hormone) is known as the stress hormone promotes fat gain particularly around the belly. Vibration exercise can reduce your circulating cortisol levels by 30% which is really beneficial to loose the weight.

Improves Blood Oxygenation and Circulation-Vibration helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite (which inhibits overall circulation) and these causes proper distribution of oxygen all over the body which further promotes circulation of blood completely.

Boosts lymphatic health- Lymphatic system plays a vital role in detoxification. It functions as to remove the fat deposits, toxins, and metabolic waste products from the body Waste means weight. Rebounding or power-walking while swinging and pumping your arms on the vibration machine is one of the recommended ways of flushing out waste products from the body easily.

Moreover Research has demonstrated that

1. One 10 minute whole vibration workout delivers the equivalent of 1 hour of weight training

2. Whole body vibration builds muscle mass 1 ½ to 2 times faster than conventional weight workouts.

3. Vibration in the whole body work as a strong anti-aging source

But don't forget to combine healthy eating along with the whole body vibration and then you could be on your way to loose weight and staying healthy.

Why to Exercise and Own Home Exercise Equipment?

To improve our health and remain fit throughout, we adopt different ways. While practicing these (which could be joining a gym, taking diet pills, start dieting or whether you want to lose weight, get healthy or train for a sport), we forget that exercise is very essential part. Exercise not only improve our health, shape our bodies but boost performance too. It changes our lifestyle. But in today’s busy scheduled, it becomes tough to go for exercise in a gym or join a retreat or a club. Obviously home exercise machines remain the best option. At home you can chart- out your plan how to carry it out and that too according to your need and requirements.

But why it is important for us to exercise?

1.Exercise let you have an increased metabolism.

2.Exercise protects you against heart problems, joint problems and a lot more.

3.Exercise is being prescribed in clinical settings to help treat nervous tension.

4.Exercise helps you in becoming strong and healthy.

5.Exercise let you reduce weight.

6.Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind.

7.Exercise increases your body flexibility.

Is it worthwhile to have home exercise equipment?

There are many good reasons to buy physical fitness equipment, whether it’s a whole body vibration machine or a treadmill. You

1.Save the Cost

2.Save time

3.Have Convenience at your place- You can workout as per your wish.

4.Have control – don’t feel the pressure of a fitness instructor.

5.Build Confidence- You are not self - conscious as in front of fitness instructor or gym goers.

How to maintain the exercise machine?

Once you have the machine with you, you should know how to maintain it. This is to ensure that it doesn’t lead to any health problems instead. The connection is deep and one should understand it nicely.

Protect your equipment from rust, moisture, dust and dirt. If you are not a regular user, in that case your duty to maintain it increases automatically. You can tear of your ligament if the moving parts are not lubricated and greased. Every machine needs reconditioning.

You can have proper guidance and tips on maintenance at the time you buy it from the manufacturer. Search WWW to find out how it can be done. You should ask the manufacturer for tips and instructions to maintain the equipment properly. You can get a good re-sale value too if it is in a good condition. Your efforts will yield in reward for you at personal and financial end both.

What is Parkinson's disease? And Beneficial Treatment

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease (PD) belongs to a group of conditions called motor system disorders, which are the result of the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells.

The four main symptoms of PD are tremor, or wobbly in hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face; rigidity, or rigidity of the limbs and trunk; bradykinesia, or sluggishness of movement; and postural unsteadiness, or impaired balance and coordination.

As these symptoms become more marked, patients may have complexity walking, talking, or implementation other simple tasks. PD usually affects populace over the age of 50.

Early symptoms of PD are fine and occur steadily. In some populace the illness progress more quickly than in others.

Causes of Parkinson

We do not yet know what causes Parkinson’s disease (PD) to develop in most people.

Experts have identified aging as an important factor that contributes to Parkinson’s in some individuals. For example, people over age 60 have a two-to-four percent risk of developing Parkinson's disease, compared with the one-to-two percent risk in the general population.

While there are certain families who share a gene that leads to Parkinson’s, this is a small percentage of the population with PD. Most Parkinson’s disease cases are sporadic — meaning that genetics and family history have not played a clear role in the onset and development of the disease.

Symptoms of Parkinson

Bradykinesia is slowness in voluntary movement. It produces complexity initiating movement, as well as complexity completing movement once it is in progress.

The belated transmission of signals from the brain to the very thin muscles, due to diminished dopamine, produces bradykinesia. Bradykinesia and rigidity that affects the facial muscles can result in an expressionless, "mask-like" appearance.

Tremors in the hand fingers, forearm, or foot be inclined to occur at what time the member is at rest, but not when the patient is performing tasks. Tremor may occur in the mouth and chin as well.

Rigidity, or stiff muscles, may create muscle pain and facial masking. Rigidity tends to increase during movement.

Poor balance is due to the injury or loss of the reflex that adjust posture in order to maintain balance. Falls are common in people with Parkinson's disease.

Treatment of Parkinson

At present, there is no cure for PD, but a variety of medications provide dramatic relief from the symptoms. Usually, patients are known levodopa joint with carbidopa.

Carbidopa delays the change of levodopa into dopamine until it reaches the brain. Nerve cells can use levodopa to make dopamine and replenish the brain's dwindling supply.

Although levodopa help at least three-quarters of parkinsonian cases, not all symptom respond equally to the drug. Bradykinesia and inflexibility respond best, while shake may be only slightly reduced. Problems with equilibrium and other symptoms may not be alleviated at all.

Herbal Remedies for Parkinson

Many different herbal remedies are used to treat Parkinson's disease. Take 20 of Larkspur in 4 cups of sweltering water, but do not swallow more than 3 cups of Larkspur tea a day.

Lady's slipper is often used to treat tremors. It can also be obliging in clearing up depression. Take 3 to 9 g of the herb or 10 to 30 drops. For Lady's slipper to be more effective, take three to four times per day.

Ginkgo Biloba help with free radicals, which is good for reverse the signs of aging, cancer and all kind of illness and disease. It also help with circulation in the brain. Whatever manufactured goods is used to get Ginkgo Biloba be supposed to have at least 24 percent ginkgo heterosides. These are from time to time referred to as flavoglycosides. Take 40 mg three times a day. The amount can be regularly increased to 80 mg three times a day if the first dosage works well.

Fitness Boot Camps: Popping up everywhere

In today's fastest growing modern world, Fitness boot camps have been gaining all the credit for loosing weight. Apparently Fitness boot camps are an excellent way to provide the structure and motivation that I think everyone need. And hence no doubt such camps can be considered as the latest effective approach to weight loss method. In fact fitness camp has extended itself into the fitness world extensively and has become more popular due to incredible results.

Mainly Fitness Boot camp like Fitness boot camps Melbourne includes weight loss exercise and classes which can differ in its way on the basis of your training faculty. It is basically a type of outdoor group exercise class that mixes traditional callisthenic and body weight exercises with interval training and strength training. There is variety of fitness boot camps, most are designed in a way that pushes the participants to harder work than they'd push themselves. Hence fitness boot camps mimic’s military recruit training, where soldiers are pushed to the limit with physical and mental activities. But firstly Personal trainers in the camps measure the strength and ability of the participants with the support of experienced Health Professionals in order to avoid future problems. Measuring the strength and abilities by trainers covers all the aspects of the health like height, weight, previous health records, etc. Fitness boot camps not only give you fit and fine appearance but also makes you mentally strong.

During the first 4-8 week class, you'll have to get up early in the morning to run sprints, perform lots of tough exercises and various forms of polymeric and interval training with little rest between the exercises and it is mainly performed in the open environment. Now the question comes – How to choose best Fitness Boot camp? Plenty of resources are available globally for finding out the best camp in search engines. In recent pasts Australia has shown many admirable results and consequences for health and fitness and hence one can say that this country is emerging greatly in fitness world. Fitness boot camps Melbourne provide the most successful weight loss training and also won the very first Australian Biggest Loser sponsorship.

Following are some of the bright features to choose fitness boot camps:

1. Builds the ability for Endurance in short period of time

2. Highly motivational and imparts confidence level

3. Burns Extra fat and calories

4. Callisthenic exercises promotes strong muscles

5. Recommended for any age

6. Full of Fun and enjoyable activities to maintain enthusiasm

How to select the best Home Gym Equipment?

Almost everyone today has been educated on the benefits of getting regular exercise and gym. Yet still there are maximum people who are not exercising, while many of us are not active at all. Due to our busy schedule, we are not having the time to visit gym, or go for a run. Most doctors suggest that a person should exercise three to five times a week for about a half an hour to remain happy and healthy. So think for gym equipment at your home only where you would be able to save your time and money too. But before buying any home gym equipment you must be well-informed, otherwise you would not be able to judge the best and desired equipment. There is ample number of home exercise equipments available in the market like free weights, weight training machines, home gyms etc.

A home gym is a particular place of your home which consists of compact unit of equipment designed to perform many exercises at one station.

A home gym should have the following components:

1.An adjustable bench for sitting or reclining

2.Stacked metal weights with pin selection for load

3.Pull down bars mainly for the lat pull down back exercise

4.Press bars for pushing and pulling, for shoulders, arms and back

5.Leg extension system for quadriceps muscles of the thigh

6.Leg curl system for exercising the hamstrings at back of the thigh

7.Seated cable row system for back and arms exercise.

Types of home gym setups:

There are generally 6 types of home gym setups available in the market:

1.Free weight stations- It consists of adjustable benches, power racks for holding barbells, dumbbells, barbells and round weights.

2.Multi-gyms based on steel or composite bands and cords- It comprise of the flexing band which creates the resistance. Example: Bowflex and Weider.

3.Total Gym concept- This concept uses an adjustable height, inclined bench and sliding seat platform that uses your own body weight to increase resistance. For instance: Total Gym 1500.

4.Multi-gyms based on stacked weights- This kind of set-ups uses a cable and pulley mechanism with stacked weights. You need to move the peg to select the weight. Example: latest Body Solid EXM series.

5.Multi-gyms with provision for free weight plates- It consists of round weights which are manually fitted to the barbell extensions. Example: Powertec Workbench.

6.Smith machine multi combinations- It uses a mechanism that constrains the bar in one vertical plane, unlike free-weight benches and racks. Example: Mega Smith System which is commonly used.

Besides above 6 home gym equipment setup Aerobic exercise equipment such as treadmills, rowers and stationary bikes are also considered as the beneficial equipments that you can choose for your home gym. You should always ask the seller for tips and instructions to maintain the equipment properly.