Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ways To Improve Self Esteem

esteem refers to the mental picture of himself or herself. It is a perception which people start acquiring from their young age. It could reveal their strength, weaknesses and much more inner details to every individual. It is very important for one to carry on his self esteem while he is on the move. This is very much related to the mental strength. If one lacks self esteem, then he may be low on his spirits and may dwindle on extreme circumstances. Hence, self esteem gives good confidence and strength to face problems and situations. People who think they are lovable can maintain good relationship with others. Here are some ways to improve self esteem.

Positive thoughts can really be a booster. Never allow the negative thoughts to dominate you. You thinking and thoughts have great power in molding yourself. You are responsible for what you are. Hence, by being positive, one can pump in more energy and fresh energy always. Do not always try to be perfection. It is because, no man is perfect. If you think for perfection, you may never win the race. Rather, try to achieve for accomplishments. Consider your failures as the stepping stone for success. Failures have produced great heroes in the past. So never be bothered about failures. It will teach you a lesson in life. Experiment with your innovative thoughts. Try to understand yourself. Know your strength and concentrate more on to capitalize. Have your goals perfectly and always target your actions towards achieving it. Make contribution and have the guts to accept the truth. Be sensible and responsible. Have your body fit and do exercise regularly to have a proper body shape.

These are some of the tips to improve the self esteem which is very important. A low feeling of self esteem may lead to fatal mental ill health. It is always good to be high on spirits.

Smoke Deter: Quit smoking the easy way

The number of people smoking cigarettes seems to increase every year despite the implementation of many control measures. Smoking is the most addictive form of drug use and quitting smoking has never been easy for any smoker. Many of you would’ve given your best attempts to stop smoking but it would have been a failure.

The common ways to stop smoking are nicotine patches, chewing anti-smoking gums, rehabs, self study, and prescription drugs, which are often effective. But these methods forget to stop the habit from reiterating. To quit cold turkey is very hard and sources confirm that people start smoking again after they quit it for a few months. Quitting requires determination and patience and for once, there is a comprehensive guide which came into existence in the recent past to make things easier. This guide is popularly known as “Smoke Deter”. In this article you’ll learn about this guide, how it works and where you can buy it.

What is Smoke Deter? It is a guide that comes with necessary tools to help you smoking. Smoke Deter ensures that you don’t have the urge to smoke again. It simplifies the most complicated factors that are essential for quitting. It is very effective and that’s why it is rated as the best among others.

Smoke Deter can be ordered online or you can buy it from your local chemist. You get with it tools and necessities like books, audio information, and tablets, vitamins & chewing gums that are natural and good for health, and they also help in re-building your immune system. The vitamins, tablets and gums last for 30 days depending on the craving.

Conclusively, Smoke Deter is one of the most effective quit smoking products to try instead of wasting cartloads of money. This way, you can save by cutting down on cigarettes and other expensive treatments as well.

Growing Tall Health

Growing up is a very important phase of your life. But it is also a very crucial one too. You have to pay very close attention to your diet and intake as well. But also you need to know about all the information on growing up. After knowing all the facts one doesn’t really has to go looking for growth increasing techniques and stuff specifically drugs and formulas. Growing people usually do stuff in their growth era that stuns their growth. This is a common problem of committing mistakes in the growing age.

Well if you avoid the most common mistake you can end up with a good height and supreme development of your muscles.

Firstly you have to believe in your natural hormones. The rates provided by these are always accurate and the best ratios ever. Using drugs and supplements is not the right way to treat your hormones. Well these may keep you happy for a time by showing increase in the height. These cause specific behaviors and attitude usually draining your body and making you feel exhausted more quickly. So firstly avoid all drugs.

Antibiotics seem really good when fighting off a disease or virus. But along with the destruction of germs and bacteria these also end up destroying your virus safeguard and digestion organs. So the food you eat is used up in other things rather than growth. So keep away from antibiotics too.

Smoking is easily the most attractive and fashionable activity ever. Teenagers are quite prone to getting involved in this. Actually smoking kills body cells and slows down the growth ratio. The body then needs a lot of time to regenerate these cells causing a stunning of your growth.

Well if you are in a hurry to go tall then you better keep in mind all these points and stay away from all these. Good luck growing tall.

Basic Health Tips

Whenever we ask people to rate out their priorities then we can have different answers from every one. Someone would like to give priority to their family while the other one will like to give priority to their career. Somebody would like to give priority to their religious conviction while the other one would like to give value to their love relationship.

The most important tip for your good health is a proper combination of exercise, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. From regular exercise you burn additional fats in your body. These additional fats are responsible for your weight gain and these fats come from extra calories in your body. So if you do exercise daily then you can burn these calories and it avoids your body to gain weight. Include fruits and nutritional beverages as major component of your daily diet. Nutritional beverages are very good for health and easy to digest, check it out. You can buy your daily health products from stores located near you as well as you can shop online, for more information check it out.

You should actively do various exercises like jogging, walking as well as cycling so that you can control the weight gain. If you are not eating healthy diet and you are consuming extra fats then it is dangerous for your body. Accretion of extra fats is unsafe for your body because it knows how to give you several disorders and illness. Your diet should have a proper sum of vitamins, nutrients as well as natural resources like minerals. Now it is very important for you to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means that you should do all the work with discipline beginning from your wakeup time and that time when you go to bed. It would be better for your health if you wake up before the sun rise and go to bed early.

Take at least six hours of sleep and drink plenty of water. All these tips would not work if you are living a tensed life. Now it is easy to say not to take tensions in life but not easy to manage. Stress is directly related to our work so better to complete the work on time and know your limits. Try to find solution with the help of your family and friends. Do not take that decision which force you in troubles in your life later on because your mind will surely tell you that your particular decision is going to help you or not. In this way you can stay away from your tensions and you can live a happy life.

Natural Remedies for Acne

There are so many methods with the help of which you can care for acne. There is no shortage of capsules and tablets in the market. There are various types of ointments and gels and everybody says that they are the best in the market. Nevertheless what about our health? Do you think that these companies will ever think about the side effects of their products? The number of cases is not less when people have faced the issue of side effects. On the top of that many of them got the gift of cancer also.

The information of acne dos and donts should be clear to us. We should use natural remedies to cure acne. We should not use those medicines which are not advised to us by our doctor. It will be helpful for us if we gently use strawberry leaves on those parts which are affected by acne. If we use the oil of tea tree then it can assist us to stay away from germs infectivity.

We should not touch those parts of our skin which has the influence of acne. It may give some bad effects on other sections. If we clean our face frequently then it will be wonderful for our skin. It will be beneficial to use a little warm water. Do not forget to add a small amount of salt in that water. Drink at least 3.5 litres of water in a day. Teenagers have to make sure that their hairs are not coming towards their face. It is very dangerous for your skin because the bad outcomes of acne can come on those sections. You can use peppermint also to treat it successfully.

We should not forget to wash our face with a cleanser that has been prescribed by our skin expert. Ladies should not forget to clean the makeup before they go to bed.

How To Control Your Weight

The problem of obesity is becoming very common nowadays. Most of the countries around the globe are facing this issue. This additional weight can give you serious health problems that can be dangerous for our life. You should not ignore the point if you find that the size of your clothes is not fit for you now. You feel like tightly engrossed when you wear your clothes. These are the alarming conditions and you should start your work immediately to stay healthy. Here we are going to discuss some tips that can be useful for you to lose the additional weight.

One hour of exercise in a day is very important for everyone. It is the best way to remove the additional fats from your body. There are so many people who have never done any type of exercise throughout in their life. They think that it is useless to make so many efforts. You may find some people who do not even want to talk about exercises. These lazy people think that exercise is a time waste activity. It simply gives pains to the body and nothing else. They prefer to live an unhealthy life by sleeping for a long time. Sleeping is also important for our body however 6 to 7 hours of sleep is sufficient to maintain the weight. The intake calorie capacity of 1050 to 1200 and an hour of workout are very good to stay healthy. Lemon water with a pinch of salt is very helpful to reduce the fats. Try to stay away from burger as well as chocolates. They are very dangerous for our health. Alcoholic beverages as well as cold drinks are also very dangerous for our body. Therefore these simple points can be very helpful to control your weight and you can live a happy life.

Importance of Health Insurance

Health insurance is equally imperative like any other insurance. We need to understand this fact and we should make our plans to invest in it. We should take it sincerely so that we can save ourselves from any odd situation. We should understand our requirement and we have to work on it. It will help to protect our family also. This deal should be completed with an open mind. Here we are going to discuss some vital points that can be useful for you to buy a health insurance.

You should try to contact with those people on whom you trust. It would be better to discuss it with those friends who are already using this facility. Your family members can be very helpful and they can show you an appropriate path. You should also know your medical requirements very clearly. It is directly related to the health concerns therefore you should choose the plan as per your condition. It is advisable to make a list of your prerequisites as it can help to bring out the points clearly. You can discuss all these points to the agent so that he can tell you the plan accordingly.

We know that medical services are very expensive. A big budget is required when we suffer from an unwanted situation. Therefore it is the health insurance that can be very handy to save us from this situation. You should check the track record of the company before you buy a health insurance. You can call them directly or you can visit their branch. However it would be beneficial for you if you take the help of internet as you can get all the information at one place. Confirm that you have checked all the terms and conditions of the policy. They may deny the reparation on certain grounds. You should know all these points very clearly.

Seasonal Diet For Better Health

Controlling weight and caring body health should be continuous process in all aspects. Hence body caring must be in full swing in all seasons of the year irrespective of rain winter or summer. If only this can be carried out carefully, better health can be maintained. In order to achieve this successfully people must rely on seasonal healthy foods in addition to regular exercises and walking. These techniques will enable people to gain health skin as well as healthy body. Fruits and vegetables are the various food items available with respect to various seasons. If we can consume these fruits and vegetables with respect to their availability then we will be in sound health through out. Since fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins in abundance, they can be considered as the better alternative for ideal balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables which are available seasonally are capable to keep man in good health all the time. More over, they can be refreshed and rejuvenated all time by taking these foods regularly.

In additional to these seasonal foods if people can take milk and eggs also, nothing extra is needed to maintain better health. Fruits and vegetables are very good supplementary food for eyes, skin, hair, bone, teeth and hemoglobin found in blood. The diet we usually consume are suitable to apply externally also. In this regard certain fruits, vegetables, vegetable juice and fruit juices are recommended to use in our body and face. Fruit juices and vegetables have certain tendencies to reduce our body heat. Hence they are highly recommended for using during summer seasons. No vegetarian foods and dishes are not suitable to develop cool in human body. Hence they are not ideal especially during summer season. In addition to these nutritive foods, people must drink enough water every day. Since water is the main constituent of human body tissues drinking enough water will enable tissues to perform better metabolic activities. Thus seasonal diet and water consumption have key roles to develop better health.

Quit Smoking With Electronic Cigarettes

People are aware of the hazards associated with smoking but it is very tough for many people to quit smoking forever. It has been found that almost 90% of the people feel that smoking is not good for health but still they are not able to give-up this habit. You also want to keep yourself away from it but you are still not able to do. Isn’t it? Therefore this information is very necessary for all those people who smoke.

Electronic cigarettes which are also known as e-cigarettes are one of the newest products available in the market nowadays. The design of this cigarette is such that you feel like a real cigarette however it does not have any tobacco. It also emits artificial smoke however it does not contain any harmful chemical. You can easily see that while inhaling an e-cigarette “flow censor” activation takes place. It discharges water vapor. This water vapor contains propylene glycol and nicotine. It also contains a scent that replicates the zest of tobacco. The basic point is that your body can get your nicotine without consuming any other cancer giving agent. Some of the cancer giving agents is hydrocarbons, tar and glue. These are available in conventional cigarettes and not in an e-cigarette. You can also protect yourself from any legal issue which people face while using conventional cigarettes. These e-cigarettes are free from any legal hassles as it does not contain any tobacco. Moreover it does not harm other people around you. It offers you the same tactile sensation which smokers need. You can free your lungs from harmful smoke as the smoke of these e-cigarettes contains water vapor. These water vapors are not dangerous for your health and it evaporates quickly. Therefore use e-cigarettes if you are not able to give-up the habit of smoking. It is safe for you as well as others. You can get some more details from

What is Healthy Diet

Healthy and nutritious foods are considered as the general medicines of human beings. If people can rely on nutritious healthy food always, then they need not fear about any unhealthy conditions in their life. Unhealthy food deposits impurities in our blood whereas nutritious and healthy food clears blood to a greater extend. An individual’s health foundation starts from his embryonic stage. That is why women are advised to take high grade nutritious food during their pregnancy stages. In addition to healthy food pregnant women should take milk and fruits daily. Milk and fruits are capable to provide essential vitamins and minerals to pregnant women. As far as these pregnant women are concerned folic acid is very important. Folic acid is one among the important vitamins and is an inevitable factor for the development of embryonic nervous system. Since brain is the first part which usually develops in a fetus the presence of folic acid in the blood of pregnant lady ensures well developed brain and nervous system to the respective embryo. Hence, the presence of folic acid in the diet of pregnant women can avoid the birth of mentally retarded children to a greater extend.

Human body needs healthy food for the proper functioning of hormonal and metabolic activities taking place. The scarcity of essential boosters to the above mentioned body functions, makes hormone deficiencies and poor metabolic growth in the body. On account of hormone deficiency and poor metabolism men usually suffer hair falling and infertility. People suffering from hair falling are advised to take egg, milk and fruits to makeup the hormone deficiency. Similarly dry fruits like Dates and Badam are advised for people suffering from infertility in addition to milk and egg. Hence to make people free from various health problems they are advised to take milk and egg in addition regular nutritious food.

How To Reduce Fat & Live Healthy Life

In these days people are forced to live in a very fast moving life. In today’s life style people have to travel long distances for their work places and return home by evening. In the midst of the fastness people usually forget to think deeply about their food. The often take foods which are easily available and consumable. They never concentrate on the quality of the food they have to take. Thus in the mean time, they may be forced to take even fast foods to quench their hunger. Fast foods are prepared with high fat content and certain taste makers which are poisonous to the human body. Moreover these fast foods have no nutritional value at all. Hence they are totally harmful to human body. The constituents in the fast food and their cooking media are favorable to increase the body weight of the consumer. Hence those who are willing to control their body weight by reducing the fat consumption must avoid fast food in all respects. Homely foods are highly desirable for a healthy body.

Another way to reduce excess fat for maintaining good health is to consume balanced diet. Balanced diets are foods which contain all essential nutrients with high nutritive value. In this diet all essential elements are found in proper concentration. Hence balanced need not be taken too much. A minimum quantity of balanced diet is suitable to support a healthy body. Hence consuming balanced is the ideal way to control excess fat in taking. Foods having low calorific value with high fiber content is very good far a reduced fatty diet. Oats is the ideal food which is highly recommended in this category. Oats are grains which have very low calorific value comparing to other foods available. The cholesterol content in oats is determined as zero. The fibers in oats work as sponges and absorb fat content present in human body tissues. Hence oats are very good low fatty food for maintaining good health.

Introduction to Health

The general condition of a person I all aspect is called as health. It is also the metabolic efficiency or functional level of an organism, often essentially human. In1948, during the creation of the World Health Organization [who], health was defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In the first six decades of evolution of health only a few publications had concentrated particularly on the definition of health. During the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 the WHO said that health is “a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.” Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications [WHO-FIC], which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health [ICF] and the International Classification of Diseases [ICD] also define health. Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.

The process of implementing healthy measures is not at all an expensive act. But it is too complicated as far as individuals are concerned. To make people aware about these safety measures and various programs are not an easy job. For the success of any such programs the cooperation of people is an inevitable factor. Getting support from the public for all such programs are very difficult. If the public have full confidence on these programs they will definitely support all ventures organizing by the authorities. To introduce their programs successfully the authorities must be able to win the confidence from the public. If public support is available other obstacles can be sorted out very easily. In this way very good health programs can be implemented so safely.

Useful Tips For Controlling Body Weight

The maintenance of body weight is very important as far as the health fitness is concerned. People who have got abnormal weight are susceptible to diseases very easily. The reason for abnormal body weight is life style. In today’s life style men can perform works with out much exertion and for conveyance they can rely on their own vehicles and other alternatives. They have no need to walk to reach their destinations. To make things available just a phone call is sufficient. Then the only thing they have to do is eat and sit simply. This is the reason for abnormal weight in human beings. Over weight is the cause of numerous diseases like Diabetics and Hypertension. If men become prey to these diseases once they cannot escape from their hands till the last minute of their life. They can continue living by taking medicines regularly. The doctors also instruct them to control the diet and body weight. Hence if people can control their body weight by controlling their diet in advance they can avoid the intake of medicines and thereby they can save financially also.

Men can control their body weight by means of exercises, daily walk and diet control. By controlling weight they can always feel as rejuvenated and free of various health problems. By reducing body weight, the excess fat content in the body will be removed considerably. This will enable people to bring cholesterol under desirable level. Cholesterol is the killer factor for causing heart blocks and thereby cardiac arrest. Hence this is a favorable factor for avoiding various heart problems. If the cholesterol level can be brought under control the blood pressure also can be minimized ideally. In this way by reducing excess body weight, all major diseases can be kept away and this will enable men to lead a very comfortable life.

Holistic Hair Loss Remedies Worth a Shot Before Trying a Transplant

As far as human health is concerned, going bald doesn’t do anything except increase the chances of getting sun burned. But hair loss is unfortunately a highly stigmatizing issue for people, especially women. When it comes to human interaction, hair loss is a surefire inhibitor of self-confidence, and even a potential roadblock to personal achievement. There’s a massive market for hair loss treatment that ranges from Rogaine to getting hair roots transplanted from one part of the head to another. These options should be explored if hair loss is affecting your way of life; however, before doing so you should give some free curatives a try.

It’s not everyday that medical advice includes the consumption of caffeinated beverages, but studies show that green tea can lower DHT levels, the hormone primarily responsible for hair loss. Coffee is said to help too, but not by drinking it. Studies show that ground up coffee beans mixed in with shampoo can reduce testosterone-induced follicle growth suppression.

However, not all balding is directly caused by inherent genetic dispositions. Some instances of balding are caused by environmental factors, stress, or bad nutrition. Extreme temperatures, especially when going from one extreme to the next, tend to incite more hair loss than usual. Avoiding extreme temperatures can keep hair in its place.

Stress is also an incredibly common cause of baldness, and efforts to reduce stress should be taken at the first signs of hair loss.

But above all, the biggest thing you can do about your lifestyle that can help reduce hair loss or even reverse it is to get into shape and eat right. Your hair is like any other part of the body – it needs the right combination of vitamins and nutrients to be healthy

Additional homemade remedies include utilizing oils, extracts, and good old fashioned produce that humans have been using for thousands of years to reverse balding. Carrier oils like jojoba and grape seed mixed with traditional oils like those of thyme, rosemary, and lavender have been applied to the scalps of balding people for centuries. The Ancient Greeks were convinced that onions had a hand in reversing baldness and would pack their scalps with slivers of onions.

Whether or not you want your hair, or what’s left of it, smelling like onions in the effort to keep the hair you have is up to you. But if you’ve become increasingly serious about surgical solutions to hair loss, you should consider these cheaper alternatives first. You never know what may sprout as a result of your toil.

Common Excuses For Being Unhealthy

We all live with excuses of a wide variety every day of our lives. It’s all a part of a rationalization of why we do, or don’t do, something. The power of rationalization can’t be underscored enough and it’s being able to recognizing when we’re doing it that we can begin to take steps not to utilize it.

Our health is one of the biggest problems that often falls victim to our unsurpassed ability to make excuses to ourselves. This is all a part of the science of how we think and some of the most common excuses that just don’t cut it include:

It’s Too Hot/It’s Too Cold

Every winter, we tell ourselves that when summer rolls around we’re really going to get ourselves into shape. When summer arrives, we complain that it’s too hot and that we’ll make doubly sure that, when it cools down, we’ll put in some effort. This is an excuse that just doesn’t cut it. We could always work out in-doors or join a gym. There are far too many options for this argument to hold up.

I Have Bad Genes

We’ve seen incredible breakthroughs in medical science and every year we push further and further towards understanding how our bodies work. From Pituitary Surgery to nanotechnology, we’re constantly pushing towards new and more innovative approaches to the field of medicine. With this knowledge we’ve come to understand that, in some part, our genes determine the way we look but the excuse, I’m obese because it’s in my genes is a terrible excuse. This is a common excuse that people use. You genes may have something to do with a person having a harder time loosing weight but, under no circumstances, does it explain why a person gets to be five hundred pounds.

I’m Too Tired

This is one of the most excusable, and inexcusable, reasons. We work all day and when we come home, the last thing we want to do is head to the gym. We want to sit on the couch and decompress after a long day. The “I’m too tired” often doesn’t cut it. If you’re chronically tired, it’s because you’re not exercising. This is one of the biggest causes of fatigue. When we’re not active our bodies go into a sort of hibernation mode and won’t expend a lot of energy. It’s through being active that the body releases endorphins that motivate the mind and body. So if you’re feeling tired all the time, you might just need a good workout regiment.

We all rationalize and make excuses from time to time, but it’s important to not let it take control. If any of these things sound familiar, then you should probably analyze why you’re not getting out and getting fit. Examine your habits, good and bad, and see where you could do with some change in your routine.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vibrating Exercise Machine- Know How It Works, How To Buy and How To Use?

We might think the vibrating technology as one the recent innovations of our people. But the concept of vibrating exercise machine was not under wraps with our ancient Greeks. Greeks used it to fasten the healing process for injuries. This was a concept that Vladimir Nazarov, a Russian scientist used. The process was refered as "biochemical stimulation" by him. It is a technology that has paced so fast.

To have an evidence on the effectiveness in bringing health and well-being, it can be seen from the increasing number of athletes and celebrities who are using this machine.

When vibrating exercise machine is becoming part of our having a healthy lifestyle, it is for better to how how it should be bought and used. But before it

How It Works?

The machine consists of a platform. This could be a standing or sitting one that vibrates as you exercise. It purportedly helps to burn additional calories. This leads to the increase of muscle tone.

Whenever we are working on the machine, our muscles naturally react to the vibrations. The reaction is to tense up a little bit to slightly to stabilize the body. Following are the types of vibrating equipment and the vibrations you experience with them:-

Oscillating-One can have natural type of vibration(side-by-side)

Tri-planer- To have vertical and horizontal vibrations,it is the best choice. Here the platform remains at a particular angle.

Horizontal- To have horizontal vibrations only. This is the least expensive of all.

The vibrating exercise machine has features like digital screen, a pad and a hand-held on-and-off switch.

What to know before you shop?

Know the type of vibration mechanism, the equipment utilizes for its functioning.

Know the specifications of the machine.

Test the equipment before you buy.

Try out few exercises on the machine. This is to know whether machine can give you the balance you require.

Listen carefully to the noise generated by the machine.

Know about the life of the motor that will be supporting the machine.

And Finally How to use it?

Check the machine for every contraindications.

Adjust the timings as per your wish along with amplitude(depth of the plate) and frequency(number of vibrations per second).

Know your figure position on the machine. Have the right alignment for yourself.

Work on your upper, core and lower body parts. You can also do for other body-parts by adjusting the straps.

Always follow the recommended usage as you can have the complain of a low back pain, blurred vision and cartilage damage.

Vibration Machine: Vibrate your fat away forever

With the emergence of latest techniques in the fitness industry, it has now become possible for everyone to loose the weight in less time and with fewer efforts. Vibration machine which is one of the most effective weight loss source take just 10-15 minutes a day from your busy schedule. Vibration machine is popularly known as home based equipment. You can exercise with all the comforts and needs at your home only. You need not to go for any weight loss programs or gym with the restricted time period. Whenever you are getting the time, you can have the advantage of vibration machine. This is one of the reasons that it is well appreciated and used by well-known sports teams, individuals, entertainers, medical / rehabilitation / therapeutic centers, universities, hotel spas & fitness facilities.

A vibration plate machine basically consists of a vibrating platform over which a person performs static or dynamic movements such as standing, sitting, kneeling or other exercises. Besides this various exercises such as crunches, lunges, squats, push-ups can be done on this machine. In fact one can also passively sit on the machine or rest your feet over it in a comfortable mode.

Exercising on the vibration machine burns up a large amount of calories in a very short period of time and following are some of the important fat burning functions performed by the machine:

Supports lean muscle mass- The rapid vibrations help to maintain and build lean muscle mass. Boosting lean muscle mass means your body burns fat throughout the entire day and not just during the workout. The more fat you burn, the higher the potential is for dramatic weight loss.

Boosts Human Growth Hormone- It boosts Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by 361%. HGH is a hormone that decreases as we get older. This decrease causes weakening of muscles and increased weight gain. Whole Body Vibration increases your HGH and helps to create a more toned, muscular, and lean body, along with the other benefits of HGH.

Lowers stress hormone- Cortisol (belly fat hormone) is known as the stress hormone promotes fat gain particularly around the belly. Vibration exercise can reduce your circulating cortisol levels by 30% which is really beneficial to loose the weight.

Improves Blood Oxygenation and Circulation-Vibration helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite (which inhibits overall circulation) and these causes proper distribution of oxygen all over the body which further promotes circulation of blood completely.

Boosts lymphatic health- Lymphatic system plays a vital role in detoxification. It functions as to remove the fat deposits, toxins, and metabolic waste products from the body Waste means weight. Rebounding or power-walking while swinging and pumping your arms on the vibration machine is one of the recommended ways of flushing out waste products from the body easily.

Moreover Research has demonstrated that

1. One 10 minute whole vibration workout delivers the equivalent of 1 hour of weight training

2. Whole body vibration builds muscle mass 1 ½ to 2 times faster than conventional weight workouts.

3. Vibration in the whole body work as a strong anti-aging source

But don't forget to combine healthy eating along with the whole body vibration and then you could be on your way to loose weight and staying healthy.

Why to Exercise and Own Home Exercise Equipment?

To improve our health and remain fit throughout, we adopt different ways. While practicing these (which could be joining a gym, taking diet pills, start dieting or whether you want to lose weight, get healthy or train for a sport), we forget that exercise is very essential part. Exercise not only improve our health, shape our bodies but boost performance too. It changes our lifestyle. But in today’s busy scheduled, it becomes tough to go for exercise in a gym or join a retreat or a club. Obviously home exercise machines remain the best option. At home you can chart- out your plan how to carry it out and that too according to your need and requirements.

But why it is important for us to exercise?

1.Exercise let you have an increased metabolism.

2.Exercise protects you against heart problems, joint problems and a lot more.

3.Exercise is being prescribed in clinical settings to help treat nervous tension.

4.Exercise helps you in becoming strong and healthy.

5.Exercise let you reduce weight.

6.Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind.

7.Exercise increases your body flexibility.

Is it worthwhile to have home exercise equipment?

There are many good reasons to buy physical fitness equipment, whether it’s a whole body vibration machine or a treadmill. You

1.Save the Cost

2.Save time

3.Have Convenience at your place- You can workout as per your wish.

4.Have control – don’t feel the pressure of a fitness instructor.

5.Build Confidence- You are not self - conscious as in front of fitness instructor or gym goers.

How to maintain the exercise machine?

Once you have the machine with you, you should know how to maintain it. This is to ensure that it doesn’t lead to any health problems instead. The connection is deep and one should understand it nicely.

Protect your equipment from rust, moisture, dust and dirt. If you are not a regular user, in that case your duty to maintain it increases automatically. You can tear of your ligament if the moving parts are not lubricated and greased. Every machine needs reconditioning.

You can have proper guidance and tips on maintenance at the time you buy it from the manufacturer. Search WWW to find out how it can be done. You should ask the manufacturer for tips and instructions to maintain the equipment properly. You can get a good re-sale value too if it is in a good condition. Your efforts will yield in reward for you at personal and financial end both.

What is Parkinson's disease? And Beneficial Treatment

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease (PD) belongs to a group of conditions called motor system disorders, which are the result of the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells.

The four main symptoms of PD are tremor, or wobbly in hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face; rigidity, or rigidity of the limbs and trunk; bradykinesia, or sluggishness of movement; and postural unsteadiness, or impaired balance and coordination.

As these symptoms become more marked, patients may have complexity walking, talking, or implementation other simple tasks. PD usually affects populace over the age of 50.

Early symptoms of PD are fine and occur steadily. In some populace the illness progress more quickly than in others.

Causes of Parkinson

We do not yet know what causes Parkinson’s disease (PD) to develop in most people.

Experts have identified aging as an important factor that contributes to Parkinson’s in some individuals. For example, people over age 60 have a two-to-four percent risk of developing Parkinson's disease, compared with the one-to-two percent risk in the general population.

While there are certain families who share a gene that leads to Parkinson’s, this is a small percentage of the population with PD. Most Parkinson’s disease cases are sporadic — meaning that genetics and family history have not played a clear role in the onset and development of the disease.

Symptoms of Parkinson

Bradykinesia is slowness in voluntary movement. It produces complexity initiating movement, as well as complexity completing movement once it is in progress.

The belated transmission of signals from the brain to the very thin muscles, due to diminished dopamine, produces bradykinesia. Bradykinesia and rigidity that affects the facial muscles can result in an expressionless, "mask-like" appearance.

Tremors in the hand fingers, forearm, or foot be inclined to occur at what time the member is at rest, but not when the patient is performing tasks. Tremor may occur in the mouth and chin as well.

Rigidity, or stiff muscles, may create muscle pain and facial masking. Rigidity tends to increase during movement.

Poor balance is due to the injury or loss of the reflex that adjust posture in order to maintain balance. Falls are common in people with Parkinson's disease.

Treatment of Parkinson

At present, there is no cure for PD, but a variety of medications provide dramatic relief from the symptoms. Usually, patients are known levodopa joint with carbidopa.

Carbidopa delays the change of levodopa into dopamine until it reaches the brain. Nerve cells can use levodopa to make dopamine and replenish the brain's dwindling supply.

Although levodopa help at least three-quarters of parkinsonian cases, not all symptom respond equally to the drug. Bradykinesia and inflexibility respond best, while shake may be only slightly reduced. Problems with equilibrium and other symptoms may not be alleviated at all.

Herbal Remedies for Parkinson

Many different herbal remedies are used to treat Parkinson's disease. Take 20 of Larkspur in 4 cups of sweltering water, but do not swallow more than 3 cups of Larkspur tea a day.

Lady's slipper is often used to treat tremors. It can also be obliging in clearing up depression. Take 3 to 9 g of the herb or 10 to 30 drops. For Lady's slipper to be more effective, take three to four times per day.

Ginkgo Biloba help with free radicals, which is good for reverse the signs of aging, cancer and all kind of illness and disease. It also help with circulation in the brain. Whatever manufactured goods is used to get Ginkgo Biloba be supposed to have at least 24 percent ginkgo heterosides. These are from time to time referred to as flavoglycosides. Take 40 mg three times a day. The amount can be regularly increased to 80 mg three times a day if the first dosage works well.

Fitness Boot Camps: Popping up everywhere

In today's fastest growing modern world, Fitness boot camps have been gaining all the credit for loosing weight. Apparently Fitness boot camps are an excellent way to provide the structure and motivation that I think everyone need. And hence no doubt such camps can be considered as the latest effective approach to weight loss method. In fact fitness camp has extended itself into the fitness world extensively and has become more popular due to incredible results.

Mainly Fitness Boot camp like Fitness boot camps Melbourne includes weight loss exercise and classes which can differ in its way on the basis of your training faculty. It is basically a type of outdoor group exercise class that mixes traditional callisthenic and body weight exercises with interval training and strength training. There is variety of fitness boot camps, most are designed in a way that pushes the participants to harder work than they'd push themselves. Hence fitness boot camps mimic’s military recruit training, where soldiers are pushed to the limit with physical and mental activities. But firstly Personal trainers in the camps measure the strength and ability of the participants with the support of experienced Health Professionals in order to avoid future problems. Measuring the strength and abilities by trainers covers all the aspects of the health like height, weight, previous health records, etc. Fitness boot camps not only give you fit and fine appearance but also makes you mentally strong.

During the first 4-8 week class, you'll have to get up early in the morning to run sprints, perform lots of tough exercises and various forms of polymeric and interval training with little rest between the exercises and it is mainly performed in the open environment. Now the question comes – How to choose best Fitness Boot camp? Plenty of resources are available globally for finding out the best camp in search engines. In recent pasts Australia has shown many admirable results and consequences for health and fitness and hence one can say that this country is emerging greatly in fitness world. Fitness boot camps Melbourne provide the most successful weight loss training and also won the very first Australian Biggest Loser sponsorship.

Following are some of the bright features to choose fitness boot camps:

1. Builds the ability for Endurance in short period of time

2. Highly motivational and imparts confidence level

3. Burns Extra fat and calories

4. Callisthenic exercises promotes strong muscles

5. Recommended for any age

6. Full of Fun and enjoyable activities to maintain enthusiasm

How to select the best Home Gym Equipment?

Almost everyone today has been educated on the benefits of getting regular exercise and gym. Yet still there are maximum people who are not exercising, while many of us are not active at all. Due to our busy schedule, we are not having the time to visit gym, or go for a run. Most doctors suggest that a person should exercise three to five times a week for about a half an hour to remain happy and healthy. So think for gym equipment at your home only where you would be able to save your time and money too. But before buying any home gym equipment you must be well-informed, otherwise you would not be able to judge the best and desired equipment. There is ample number of home exercise equipments available in the market like free weights, weight training machines, home gyms etc.

A home gym is a particular place of your home which consists of compact unit of equipment designed to perform many exercises at one station.

A home gym should have the following components:

1.An adjustable bench for sitting or reclining

2.Stacked metal weights with pin selection for load

3.Pull down bars mainly for the lat pull down back exercise

4.Press bars for pushing and pulling, for shoulders, arms and back

5.Leg extension system for quadriceps muscles of the thigh

6.Leg curl system for exercising the hamstrings at back of the thigh

7.Seated cable row system for back and arms exercise.

Types of home gym setups:

There are generally 6 types of home gym setups available in the market:

1.Free weight stations- It consists of adjustable benches, power racks for holding barbells, dumbbells, barbells and round weights.

2.Multi-gyms based on steel or composite bands and cords- It comprise of the flexing band which creates the resistance. Example: Bowflex and Weider.

3.Total Gym concept- This concept uses an adjustable height, inclined bench and sliding seat platform that uses your own body weight to increase resistance. For instance: Total Gym 1500.

4.Multi-gyms based on stacked weights- This kind of set-ups uses a cable and pulley mechanism with stacked weights. You need to move the peg to select the weight. Example: latest Body Solid EXM series.

5.Multi-gyms with provision for free weight plates- It consists of round weights which are manually fitted to the barbell extensions. Example: Powertec Workbench.

6.Smith machine multi combinations- It uses a mechanism that constrains the bar in one vertical plane, unlike free-weight benches and racks. Example: Mega Smith System which is commonly used.

Besides above 6 home gym equipment setup Aerobic exercise equipment such as treadmills, rowers and stationary bikes are also considered as the beneficial equipments that you can choose for your home gym. You should always ask the seller for tips and instructions to maintain the equipment properly.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let’s learn more about how to gain muscle mass

if you want to change your life and change your body, the first thing you must realize is that all change starts with our thoughts. You must believe you can accomplish what you’re about to accomplish with your body.

The belief itself must be there, even when you’re having doubts or don’t feel particularly motivated to pump iron on certain days. The belief that you will accomplish your goals is primary. But then again belief without action is empty. You must develop the discipline of working out on a daily basis in order to get the result of huge muscle gains.

How do you gain muscle mass? It all starts in your mind.

So now that we’ve got the first part covered let’s move on to some things you can do so you can learn how to gain muscle mass!

Diet for putting on muscle:
You must control your diet. Stay away from complex carbohydrates like white breads as much as you can. Follow proper food combining. That means eat your proteins and starches during different meals. If you haven’t heard much about food combining, just do a google or amazon search for that term. This will help you shed excess body fat while you’re bulking up and adding weight.

Don’t forget to eat your protein. Like I said, I’m a vegetarian weightlifter so I like to eat hempseeds, spirulina, nuts, seeds, sun warrior barely protein powders and such for my protein. But the point is that I get my protein and you need to also if you really want to figure out how to gain muscle mass in the best way possible for your body! Make sure to have a protein shake within 40 minutes of working out.

Workout Routines To Gain Muscle Mass:
There are a lot of theories and ideas on this. You need to do your own research. This website is basically my thoughts to you on which courses and which workout programs have worked wonders for me. The point is to pick a workout course or routine, stick with it at all costs. Whatever you do, don’t give up.

My recommendation is to give the workout routine at least 6 months of persistent dedication. If you give something like a workout routine 110% of your effort, trust me, you’ll be the one in the next before and after photo testimonials. Wouldn’t you love to have a body like that right now?Generally the idea of how to gain muscle mass is two fold:

A) Do lower repetitions with more weight.
B) Change your workout routines every 3 weeks.

When you do lower repetitions and you’re doing a bench press or any other exercise, you’re really tearing the muscle more and putting more strain on it so it actually tears the muscle fibers on a deeper level than on a surface level like if you were to do high reps and low weight.

Lowering your reps causes more trauma and tearing of your muscle fibers, thus it will grow more during the repair phase.

Generally performing high reps with low weight will tone and firm up areas, which is ideal for women. But you’re reading this because you want to learn how to gain muscle mass right? not tone and tighten.

We’ll leave that up to the ladies. If I’m doing a bench press for example I like to do no more than 3 sets of 8 reps. Ideally I like to do 3 sets of 4 reps at the highest possible weight I can lift. I always have a spotter there to support me as well. Don’t do this without a spotter there, you don’t want to drop the barbell on your chest or put any muscles here.

I’ve seen it in the gym and believe me, you don’t want to drop hundreds of pounds onto your chest, and it’s not worth it. If I am lifting 200 pounds in my first week of doing bench press and I’m doing 3 sets of 4 reps, the next week I’ll add more weight and still do 3 sets of 4 reps. Then I’ll do the same thing the third week. Then after the third week, I’ll switch to a different workout machine.Set Goals To Gain Muscle Mass:
It’s important you have goals and a reason why you’re taking time out of your daily life and working out right? Don’t wander aimlessly and float along during your training sessions in the gym. Have realistic weekly goals that you intend on meeting and if possible surpassing. I recommend when people start to keep their goals low and realistic.

I do this for two reasons.

The first one is, if you have a goal you are certain you can reach, you’re going to feel great when you meet it. This keeps you from having doubt and thinking negative thoughts to yourself. Believe me, the time when you’re going to be thinking those thoughts is right before it’s time to workout. Set your goals low to start!

The second reason to keep your goals low is so that you can surpass them and beat them. You’re your own personal record breaker? Who doesn’t like to shatter and break records? Believe me, it feels great when you do!

I hoped I was able to shed some light on how to gain muscle mass and this article helped you out. If you want to achieve incredible results visit this link: Click here to stop reading and get results!

How to gain quick muscle mass
Learning how to gain quick muscle mass is easy. Many times people want to put on muscle quickly because perhaps summer is coming up or they have something coming up soon where they need to look lean, trim, cut and hopefully muscular. To gain quick muscle mass is possible but you won’t be able to get your body to see the kind of changes you would, if you allowed yourself more time to workout in the gym and pump iron for a longer amount of time. But if you want to learn how to gain muscle mass fast here are some ideas:

Eat tons of protein. Have at least a protein shake (I prefer Sun Warrior protein) after each workout with protein powder and a raw egg or 3.
Do a split workout routine 6 days a week. You’ll workout all body parts twice in that week.
Perform low reps and super high weight in order to pack on pounds.
If you want to really learn how to gain muscle mass quickly, there is a great program called muscle gaining secrets you may want to checkout that talks further about gaining muscle mass quickly.

Building muscles fast is possible
If you follow the tips laid out above you should be building muscles fast. But ideally you should allow yourself the time to rest.

Your muscles build and grow during the time when you’re NOT workout out in the gym lifting heavy weights. It’s counter intuitive to think you can be building muscles fast by resting because it feels like you’re lazy.

Muscles need rest. When you’re working out, never let your mind fail you. Your body may fail but if you dig deep into the muscle fibers and tissue, you’ll really allow yourself to build muscles fast. But remember the deeper you dig into the muscle tissue, the more rest you need. If you can’t lift the same amount of weight or more, you haven’t had enough rest.

Building muscles fast is possible if you go about it the right way. I really recommend muscle gaining secrets because this is one of the only courses that gives specific strategies to build your muscles fast. I highly suggest you check it out.

Best way to build muscle mass is…
If you want to know the best way to build muscle mass you have to think counter intuitively. Want to know the truth? The best way to build muscle mass is……REST! You got it. As long as you are working to the point of muscle failure in the gym, then the rest is going to be exactly what you need.

During the rest time is exactly when you need to be feeding yourself lots of protein. Make sure when you eat protein (if it’s meat) you eat grass fed beef. Cows were never meant to eat corn and have their backs sprayed with chemicals, pesticides and growth hormones.

A Weekly Workout To Build Muscle That Gets Results

I know a lot of times it’s easy to go to the gym, but not really have a plan for your workout routines to build size and strength.

Does This Describe You?
You do just enough to get by and maybe even each muscle group. You leave saying, "I didn’t meet my daily bodybuilding plans but could have easily not worked out today, so at least I went and I feel good about that!" If total body transformation is not happening, then you will never reach your goals fast.

What people don’t realize is that each hardcore anabolic workout to build muscle your perform, builds on the last. This goes for regular low level exercise routines as well.

Are Your Strength Workouts Intense Enough?
Do you train like a bodybuilder? You’re only able to lift the amount of weight in any given workout because of the previous exercise you’ve put in. For example if you can lift 20 pounds one week, then the next week you can lift 30 pounds, then after 4 weeks you’ve increase it up to 80 pounds.

But you couldn’t have walked into the gym on week number one and had the power or hardcore strength to lift 80 pounds. That’s because you weren’t following a weekly workout guide or supplement guide that would increase your performance. Your muscle fibers gradually break down, build up, transforms and continues to get stronger, bigger and leaner. Athletes know this and that’s why they chart their goals and track their growth.

The problem with not pushing it during your workout routines is that your next workout will suffer because you won’t be able lift what you might have been able to lift had you put in the intense effort in your previous workout.

—-> Not only will you lose tummy fat on this workout but you will gain lots of muscle as well. Trust us, this is the best workout routine to build muscle by far. <—–

If you really want to build muscle mass and get on a workout that gets you that big upper body you need to push yourself every day. Let’s look at some reasons why you may not be pushing yourself when you go to the gym.

Sress: You might be stressed out at work and because of that, you may be unfocused or unmotivated. If this is the case work on eliminating your stress levels when you’re at work. Stress causes worry and anxiety, not the kind of healthy mindset you need to be motivated to hit your local fitness club for an intense sweaty workout.
Sleep: Perhaps you’re not getting enough sleep and it’s making you tired. This has a huge impact on weight training and getting on a workout to build muscle. If you feel like you’re going to fall asleep, that is no time to be going to the gym for intense training. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep (at least 5 of which is uninterrupted) at least 5 days out of 7 in a week. This will help you stay focused and motivated to build a bigger stronger body. You’ll look better, feel better and most importantly train better and get quicker results. Make sure that when you are going to the gym and are on a weight workout plan, you must stay focused always.
Stay focused when weightlifting: I usually stay in the gym for about an hour. I wear an ipod because one of the worst things you can do that will deter you from your workout to build muscle is people coming up to you talking at you while you’re on a mission. In my mind there is nothing worse than when people rob you of your time in the gym and talk at you. A little bit is okay but you’re there to work and work hard. Remember every minute you’re in the gym and not working out (or recovering) is wasted.
What’s A Good Workout To Build Muscle Mass?

Building size and strength to your muscles is something that takes hard work and dedication.

Personally I like a workout to build muscle mass that is fun, intense and gets results fast. Some good exercises to focus on to build muscle mass are free weight exercises as well as whole body exercises like compound workouts. You can find out more about compound training by visiting the link above.

Building muscle mass is possible but you need the right mindset and dietary approach as well as the best workout. I like to do a split workout routine 6 days a week. This means I’ll hit each body part two times per week.My Favorite 2 Exercises To Gain Muscle.

My favorite 2 exercises to gain muscle are the free weight incline bench press as well as hammer curls for your biceps. One exercise will help gain muscle in your chest and pectoral muscles and the other exercise will help you build big strong biceps and arms.

In order to gain muscle you must change your exercise and workout routine every 3 weeks so you don’t plateau and become a hardgainer.

Remember when looking for exercises to gain muscle you must keep in mind that they should include compound exercises along with isolation exercises.

My Weekly Workout Routine To Gain Muscle.

Having a plan and routine to gain muscle is critical. You need to know what exercises you’ll be doing each day of the week. Not only that but you need to know which body parts you’ll be working out on which days.

So having a weekly routine to gain muscle is crucial.

Here is one of my favorites workouts designed to build muscle below.

Workout To Build Muscle:

Monday: Chest and Back
Tuesday: Arms and Shoulders
Wednesday: Legs and Abs
Thursday: Chest and Back
Friday: Arms and Shoulders
Saturday: Legs and Abs
This routine to gain muscle is great because it give you a plan and outline to follow. It’s like following a road map or system that tells you exactly what you should be doing. Stay focused. See you in the gym!

How To Lose A Lot of Weight Fast

If you are going to lose weight, why not learn how to lose a lot of weight fast. It can be very tempting to use those lose weight fast scams that are out there. But what most people don’t know is that this can actually have an adverse effect on your body and your health.

Weight loss has to be a gradual thing. Trying to lose too much weight too quickly can actually be bad for your health. Losing two to three pounds per week is the best and healthiest way to lose weight. Losing more that that can start to be unhealthy.
The best way to lose weight is get on a low fat high protein diet. Add in daily exercise and that is a guaranteed way to lose weight quickly and healthy.
Some people think that starving yourself is a quick way to drop weight fast for special occasions or for bathing suit season. Starving yourself is the worst way to lose weight and can effect your overall health dramatically. What your body does when it's not getting any food is it goes into survival mode. In this mode your body thinks there's a famine and tried to hold on to as much fat as it can. It holds on to that fat so it can have a reserve, because it doesn't know when the next time it is going to get food. When its holding onto that fat it is hurting you in other ways. You are still needing to get energy to do your daily activities, so where does it get this energy from if its not getting from your fat? Your body starts to eat at your muscle and use it as energy.
So if starving yourself doesn't work then what does? Change your diet and exercise. Trade in those cookies and chips in for an apple. Instead of watching TV at night, go to gym for an hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park at the back of the parking lot instead of the front. There are man things you can do to burn more calories. One great thing I've tried is to get a pedometer. You know, one of those things you put on your belt that tells you how many steps you've taken in a day. It also tells you the number of calories you've burned too! Use the pedometer and see how many steps you take on an average day. Mark that number down. The following day, try and beat that number. Each day should be another competition with the previous day.

Losing weight takes time and a lot of effort. You have to be dedicated and excited about losing weight. Once you start to lose weight you will them start to learn how to get a fast six pack that you thought you could never get.

New Bodybuilding Workouts Advice

Are your bodybuilding workouts set up properly for forcing muscle bulk? While most guys believe they've put together effective body building workouts that will allow them to gain new muscle mass, most of the time they wind up piecing together a long workout that forces them to spend way too much time in the gym.

The main focus of this article is to teach you how long your bodybuilder workouts should be in order to stimulate muscle growth. hopefully I can convince you that it's possible to actually spend very little time in the weight room, build more muscle size and strength and get you back to your life as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In order to build muscle mass, then you need to provide stimulation to your muscles in the form of intense weight lifting workouts. That said, you can certainly get into the weight room and grind your way through an effective bodybuilder workout in under an hour.

Sure the boring and uninspired 90 - 180 minute weight lifting workouts performed at a snails pace may be ok if you have no life outside of the gym and a desire to make the muscle building process more difficult. There is a much more efficient way to train for muscle size!

If you still think that you have to train for hours at a time, then you're probably going to be surprised to find that that's not the the way it works when it comes to packing on muscle tissue. If you want to make the most out of your time in the gym by stimulating new muscle growth and taking advantage of your body's natural muscle building hormonal window of opportunity, then you need to take a less is actually more approach to designing your bodybuilder\bodybuilding workouts.

I personally like to limit my bodybuilder workouts to under an hour of intense effort. if I try to go much longer than 60 minutes it usually causes me to lose my focus and ultimately leads to an ineffective workout. I like to get into the gym, get going with my bodybuilder workout and get back to my everyday life outside of the weight room as quickly as I possible can.

While some personal trainers and experts claim that 20 - 30 minutes is just not enough time for a full muscle building workout, I disagree completely disagree. If you're moving through your muscle building workouts with the appropriate level of focus, the very same level that is required to stimulate muscle growth, then you won't be able to handle any more than 20 - 30 minutes of serious muscle building effort.

The point I'm trying to make here is that there really is no totally "optimal" work out time set in stone. Some people gain muscle mass by training only 1 day a week, while others require 4 - 7 times. You need to find out what works best for your body by trying out a structured approach to your bodybuilding workouts. The length of your muscle building workout is a constantly moving target just like every other variable in your muscle building workouts.

Take the time to figure out what works best for your body, then get to work implementing your training approach. With some focused effort and a well designed plan, you should start to pack on muscle mass and melt off body fat faster than you ever thought you could.

Muscle Building without Weights - Use These 3 Effective Workouts

Building muscle without weights would require you to workout using other forms of resistance exercises or intensify your aerobic workouts. These exercises can be done at home even if you don’t have any instructors nor equipments around. Read the following exercises and determine for yourself if you can just do these exercises at home or if you really need to sign up for a gym membership.

Pull-ups - Pull-ups is the best exercise to build your back and all those muscles on your arm area. Use a doorway pull-up bar or any surface in your home that you can hang from. If you cannot do any one rep by using the right pull-up technique, then you better make use of a resistance band to help you going all the way up.

Push-ups - This method of exercise for building muscle without weights focuses on building the chest, shoulders, and the muscles on the arms as well. Make use of a full range of motion when doing this exercise by locking up your arms on the way up, and press your nose against the floor when going on the way down. If you think you can’t perform such intense exercise, then be contented with doing regular push-ups, or you may kneel on the floor and switching to a regular push-up position if you think you can handle such intense exercise.

Squats - This kind of exercise is beneficial in helping to build those muscles in your legs. Perform this by putting your hands behind your head and then carefully bend through your knees. Always keep your heels flatten on the floor, while you push your knees out and at the same time, squeezing your glutes all the way up.

As you can see, these exercises are pretty simple to perform - all you need is to find a nice place with a flat surface, since you can never do these exercises uphill. But bear in mind that doing these exercises on their own cannot really guarantee that you have done it perfectly. But if you want a better result, you better sign up for a gym membership in your area, because fitness instructors in the gym could assess if you are doing your exercise right or not.

Remember that your body should have a reason to build muscles, and that is stress. So challenge your body by putting more weights when you exercise, because when your body is stressed out, it will be forced to build more muscles. And because of this, I urge you to sign-up for a gym membership so you would have access to the right tools and equipment needed for you to gain weight and build those muscles.

We cannot ignore the fact that deadlift and squat exercises are the best workouts to achieve muscular body, and that’s why people who wants to gain muscles would resort to those workouts. You can’t do those two workouts in the home easily since they demand specific tools. Additionally, there are many effective exercises that you can only do at a gym. Thus, while building muscle without weights at home is achievable, you’ll have much faster result by signing up in a gym.

Herbal Treatments For Prostate Cancer

Anyone who has been around for long enough will know well that medicine is not all about the hospital. As a matter of fact these days, even the doctors are coming to acknowledge the power and potential of herbal medicine in treating various ills that inflict mankind. This article explores the known herbal treatments for prostate cancer and how they are used.

One of the most popular herbal prostate cancer remedies is the pomegranate, a small tree or thorny shrub native to tropical Asia and characterized by large solitary flowers. The fruit of this plant has incredible antioxidant powers that are now known to be helpful in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer. The juice made from pomegranate fruits is sticky and sweet, but it is encouraged even by oncologists for patients at risk of prostate cancer. ‘One drink a day,’ they say. ‘Hold it in your mouth and swish it around a little, and you can lower your risk of prostate cancer by as much as a whopping 35%!

There have been arguments for and against the potential of lycopene in the treatment of prostate cancer, but one cannot deny the fact that men in a clinical trial who took up to ten helpings of tomato rich substances in a day reduced their risk of prostate cancer by up to 40%. It may not seem like much, but a man who has seen his dad die of the disease and knows that he might be next would jump at a 1% chance of not getting a cancer of the prostate. In any case, doctors are starting to recommend lycopene rich foods as part of their patients’ anti prostate cancer diet.

You might want to start up a diet that is richer in chili content also. Hot peppers may make your eyes water but they also make your prostate cancers suffer. Why? The cancerous cells suffer so much when they meet capsaicin that they commit a hearty suicide, something they should have done in the first place. Capsaicin, the chili substance in hot peppers recently surfaced as a potential cure for prostate cancer when it was found that the chemical caused apoptosis in advanced stage prostate cancer. It may be why prostate cancer is not so common in Asia, Africa and even South America; they eat a lot of the stuff.

Green tea has been known to be medicinal for ages, and now we are led to believe that it may help with prostate cancer as well. Taking a few cups of the substance may help to prevent the processes that start up prostate cancer, one study suggests. Certainly it helps to slow down the rate at which prostate specific antigens double in patients with advanced stage disease. If ever there was a herbal prostate treatment you can trust, this has to be it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Obesity Increases Heart Attacks Risk

Study Suggests Obesity-Heart Attack Link Is Independent of Other Risk Factors Such as Diabetes

Obesity is a risk factor for fatal heart attacks even for people who do not have the conditions normally associated with cardiovascular disease, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, a study shows.

According to researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, it appears that obesity in its own right is associated with an increased risk of fatal heart attacks.

Inflammation is apparently a strong factor in fatal cardiovascular disease, the researchers say, and obesity is now increasingly being recognized as an inflammatory condition.

“We already knew that being obese meant you had a higher chance of having a heart attack,” study researcher Jennifer Logue, MD, of the University of Glasgow, tells WebMD via email. “We also already knew that obese people were more likely to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.”

She says it was thought that high cholesterol and blood pressure were the reasons obese people had more heart attacks, and that medications can treat those conditions.

But she says the study has shown “two news things: obese, middle-aged men have a 60% increased risk of dying from a heart attack than non-obese middle-aged men, even after we cancel out any of the effects of cholesterol, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular risk factors.”

This means, she says, that “obesity itself may be causing fatal heart attacks through a factor that we have not yet identified.”

Link to Fatal Heart Attacks

Logue notes that the study found that the increased risk is for fatal heart attacks, not nonfatal heart attacks.

“We do not know why this is,” she says. “Possible reasons include particular chemicals that the fat cells are releasing, or perhaps it is related to the fact that obese people tend to have larger hearts to cope with the additional stress of their larger size, and this already stressed heart does not manage to continue to work during a heart attack.”

She and her research team tracked the health of more than 6,000 middle-aged men with high cholesterol but no history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease for about 15 years.

During that time, 214 fatal heart attacks and 1,027 non-fatal heart attacks or strokes were recorded.

The study began 20 years ago, the researchers say, when the prevalence of obesity was lower. Therefore, says Logue, the death risk associated with obesity may be even greater for men now than the study suggests.

Fighting Obesity

She says that the clinical implications of the study are “difficult” and that “the main message should be that further research is urgently required to confirm these findings.”

However, she adds, “it certainly makes me think that we cannot just treat cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes in obese men without also considering their weight. We need to find easier and more effective ways to help people lose weight and see if losing weight can help reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks.”

Logue also says that health providers and public officials “need to dedicate far more resources to preventing obesity.”

Markers of obesity-induced inflammation are more strongly associated with fatal than non-fatal heart attacks, the researchers say.

Therefore, treating conventional risk factors alone may not be enough to counteract the risk of death from coronary heart disease in obese men, the study suggests.

The study is published online in the journal Heart.

Home remedies to prevent migraine

A migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. In many people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.

Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. An aura is a group of symptoms, including vision disturbances, that are a warning sign that a bad headache is coming.

Aromatherapy: One of the best home remedies for migraine is aromatherapy. A few aromas such as those of peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and sandalwood, can be really good and helpful for treating migraine.

Massage: Massage is also considered to be a very good home remedy for migraine. Massaging head with certain ayurvedic oils can be very effectual in treating migraine. This is not just effectual for treating migraine but is also very nourishing for all your senses.

Acupressure: A lot of people suggest and have seen the benefits of acupressure in treating migraine. This is also considered to be one of the best suited home remedies for migraine.

Cabbage Leaf Compress: For treating migraine, take few leaves of cabbage and crush it. After that these leaves are to be put in the cloth. Tie this cloth on your forehead overnight. This can be done in the day as well. This is also one of a successful home remedy for migraine.

: Drinking chamomile tea can bring down the migraine symptoms and this is a simple home remedy for treating migraine.

These few home remedies for migraine are very well suited for treating and reducing the symptoms for migraine. Apart from thee other remedies such as primrose oil, ayurvedic remedy ‘nasyam’and juice of ripe grapes are also a few other effectual home remedies for migraine.

Genetic evidence that antioxidants can help treat cancer

Scientists have provided genetic evidence suggesting the antioxidant drugs currently used to treat lung disease, malaria and even the common cold can also help prevent and treat cancers because they fight against mitochondrial oxidative stress-a culprit in driving tumor growth.

For the first time, researchers from Jefferson's Kimmel Cancer Center show that loss of the tumor suppressor protein Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) induces mitochondrial oxidative stress in the stromal micro-environment, a process that fuels cancer cells in most common types of breast cancer.

"Now we have genetic proof that mitochondrial oxidative stress is important for driving tumor growth," said lead researcher Michael P. Lisanti.

"This means we need to make anti-cancer drugs that specially target this type of oxidative stress. And there are already antioxidant drugs out there on the market as dietary supplements, like N-acetyl cysteine," he said.

In the study, Jefferson researchers applied a genetically tractable model for human cancer associated fibroblasts using a targeted sh-RNA knock-down approach.

Without the Cav-1 protein, researchers found that oxidative stress in cancer associated fibroblasts leads to mitochondrial dysfunction in stromal fibroblasts.

In this context, oxidative stress and the resulting autophagy (producton of recycled nutrients) in the tumor-microenvironment function as metabolic energy or "food" to "fuel" tumor growth.

The researchers report that the loss of Cav-1 increases mitochondrial oxidative stress in the tumor stroma, increasing both tumor mass and tumor volume by four-fold, without any increase in tumor angiogenesis.

"This study provides the necessary genetic evidence that reducing oxidative stress in the body will decrease tumor growth," Lisanti said

These findings were published in the online February 15 issue of Cancer Biology and Therapy.

Extremely Rare Breast Cancer Discovered

Research discovers oncogene that may be a driving force in breast cancer

Researchers have found a new gene that may be the cause of an extremely rare breast cancer that is also very difficult to treat.

The new gene discovered is called ZNF703, and it is the first discovered oncogene in at least five years. Experts from Cancer Research UK explain that this discovery may pave the way for additional treatments in the future.

Normal-functioning oncogenes are the driving factor behind cell division. In normal cells, the division is perfectly fine, but the oncogenes also influence cell division in tumor cells, sometimes causing unstoppable multiplication of cells. In the cases of tumors, the oncogene can be considered “out of control”.

Experts explain in the EMBO Molecular Medicine journal that there is strong evidence alluding to ZNF703 being a new oncogene.

For the study, nearly 1,200 samples of breast tumors were analyzed.

The ZNF703 gene has been considered to be overactive in close to 10 percent of breast cancer cases.

Other cancer genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are considered tumor suppressors. This new ZNF703 acts in a completely opposite fashion.

What happens during Brain Hemorrhage?

Brain hemorrhage is a kind of severe stroke that can kill the patient or can cause paralysis. This can happen inside the brain, between the brain and the membrane that covers it, and in the layers of the brain coverings. Brain hemorrhage happens because of a break in the wall of the blood vessels in the brain and the blood spreads through the tissues, killing them and other cells.

People with conditions like a heavy bulge in the vessels of the brain, inherit weak blood vessels, and those who carry a mutated cystic C gene or vascular malformation should take extra caution to prevent brain hemorrhage.

Some factors contribute in the development of brain hemorrhage: one of these is hypertension which is often the most common contributing factor in brain hemorrhage. Another is diabetes because it can weaken the blood vessels, especially in the eyes. Use of medications such as anti-coagulants that affect blood clotting can also contribute to brain hemorrhage.

Although many cases of brain hemorrhage can occur suddenly, some symptoms can be considered as warning signs like very intense headache, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the patient will experience sudden paralysis or numbness in different parts of his body. The worst sign of this condition is a leakage of blood in the sensitive areas of the brain and when he starts loosing consciousness or feels dizziness.

The treatment of brain hemorrhage depends on the location and severity of the condition. There are a few treatments available for brain hemorrhage such as Interventional Radiology and Microsurgical Technique. In most cases surgery is done to remove the split of blood and stitch the artery to stop the blood from leaking. By doing this, the patient might successfully come out from this deadly condition or he might give up some functionality of his body organs or he may loose her life.